
Cerebrotonic: a temperament characterized by introspection and introversion.

If you’re cerebrotonic, you spend a great deal of time thinking about life’s big questions. You probably have a rich inner world. You read both fiction and non-fiction for their diversity in ideas. You want to understand the nature of consciousness and the nature of the universe.

You might spend some time wishing you were as much a person of action as you are a person of thinking. You may even feel like quite a shy, reserved person.

If the above sounds like you, there’s a very good chance you’ll get something from my blog. I’m Ronan, by the way.  I’ll be posting articles here at Cerebrotonic about culture, books, society, science, spirituality, psychedelics, and other topics I hope you’ll find interesting.

The word ‘cerebrotonic’ has a double meaning in the context of this blog. The articles within are written by a cerebrotonic person for other people with similar temperaments to me who will hopefully get something of value. Additionally, I hope this blog acts as a tonic for people who are too cerebral—too much in their heads to the detriment of doing the things they want to do in life. That’s why there is a ‘self-improvement for introverts’ slant to some of my articles.

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